
I'm casually tossing around the idea of doing a support group, blog, Youtube channel or vlog that is caregiving based. Leaning towards Youtube fyi.

I'm a caregiver for my mom post her stroke in 2022 that left her wheelchair bound. She now lives with me as I took her out of her nursing home about 6 months ago.

Things are hard...very challenging, but I continue to learn a lot along the way and I currently am 'overall' happy with how things are going despite the not-so-good days, the challenges (and the unknowns RE: the future).

I know I want to do something that both helps others (i.e., gives tools/tips, educates other caregivers, etc.) and is encouraging (somehow gives motivation to caregivers).

I've thought about things like doing vids on a day in our life but I want to keep my mom anonymous as possible. Perhaps interviews of other caregivers. Or maybe have a vlog or channel with interviews of professionals that can give guidance on resources. I also thought about focusing on just spotlighting people who have left the country to do caregiving abroad. Or maybe focusing on 'skits' (trying to bring a laugh to caregivers in the midst of all of the seriousness).

Not sure what to focus on though. Wondering what others' thoughts are on the 'most helpful' place to start. Or maybe I should just start anywhere and over time see where others' interest leads me...

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Are you interested in sharing your story or are you more interested in shedding light on caregiving in general?

I have heard podcasts hosts say that they don’t want to share their personal stories until later on in their show due to people criticizing them for their personal choices.

Psalms, dsalnrcal, is the other Instagram, they are not acting. Today you could tell the son was getting really emotional. Was really sad, been watching him for like 6 months, ya kinda feel like you know them

You can start by telling your own personal story as a caregiver.

Give background information about yourself and the person that you are caring for. People will follow along with your journey.

Explain the ups and downs, what works for you and what doesn’t, and so on.

Later on, you can introduce guests. Or you can do a question and answer segment.

@anxietynacy - Thank you SO much for coming back so quickly with the recommendations; I really appreciate it.

I think a local support group would be filling the biggest need. Social media is already full of the blogs, vlog, YouTube ed, etc. No point in duplicating what's already out there in spades. Have you done any research?

debrakostiwcmds. That's the one I like

Grannyoffherrocker. Not the other two I mentioned, not informative, but she is so funny

Psalms, I'm really bad at social media, when I find them I'll send them your way. They pop up once a day at least.

The father and son one, kinda gets to me, the son and family are truly awesome. But, the son ask his dad with dementia to many questions, I've left comments about it, trying to nicely explain to him.
And the dad keeps asking where his brother is , and he always tells him he died. It's kinda sad to watch. But they are so good to him, they just don't know better.

The lady and her daughter, is not funny so to say. But light hearted and informative. This morning the older one, started yelling at her daughter to get out , go away..,.
The daughter handled it all wrong
Then came on the camera to explain the correct way.

I'll get back to you on them

@anxietynacy - With the father/son one - is the son basically showing a 'day in the life' of him taking care of his dad?

The one that's focused on skits - do you follow one that because it's lighthearted/humorous in addition to being informative? (I actually wouldn't mind see their account if you don't mind sharing.)

Im not into social media, or wasn't until AG I guess this is considered social media.

I have Instagram to keep track of kids a bit . I do say a couple. There is one guy he was a doctor, his son takes care of him. Actually feels a little intrusive to me . Maybe at one point he wanted this. Who knows. I'm not judging something I have no clue about.

There is another one I like a lot she is maybe 75 , her and her daughter do a skit. Some people, on the comments can't believe that she really doesn't have dementia, it's so obvious to me. She is a good actress, but there is light in her eyes. Anyways I really like her, I think it's really informative.

And even to people that know more about dementia, than the average Joe, i think it keeps them informed. I think it's a great idea. I know a lot of people in denial of there loved ones also. It my help them open there eyes a bit

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