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I got teary at Need’s toast! 😭😭

Thank you, God, for this mercy!

Woo-hoooooo! 🎉🎉

Lea!!! What wonderful news! So happy for you!

The first thing I read on the internet today was this page and I will say -- This is a great way to start my day! So happy for the good news, Lea! And that you were able to eat out for the first time in a year. I'm sure that steak was delicious! Now, go take on the world, or at least the next sale!

Lea: Thank goodness for the clean scan.

Amen to that, ITRR. Thanks everyone.

We went to Outback Steakhouse which was nice. I had a sirloin that tasted more like filet mignon than sirloin. It was so good to get out of this house and not eat at our kitchen table for a change! And I didn't have to Hoover up Chucks crumbs with the dust buster, either 🤣

We feel blessedly relieved tonight which made the evening that much sweeter 😁

God is good, all the time!

Lea I am so happy for you. I can't believe that it has been a year. I know you went through hell with some of the side effects but it is so awesome to see how much better you are doing one year out from everything and cancer free to boot. I hope you had a fantastic dinner/date night with Chuck tonight!

Yay!!!!! Woo hoo !!!🎆🎇


You certainly have a wonderful reason to celebrate. Enjoy your dinner tonight!

May I make the first toast?

To Lea,

No one is more deserving of this wonderful evening out than you! Cheers! 🥂

Yay!!! Enjoy!!!

Oh, I am so happy! So glad to hear your news!

We're going out to dinner tonight for the first time in over a YEAR! 😁

Wonderful news for a new year. So happy for you and your family.

Way to go!! You have lots to do !!

I am so glad to hear your wonderful news, Lea. Miracles do happen. May 2024 be an awesome year for you. Go celebrate the good news.

Fantastic news, Lea! So very happy for you.

Celebrate with your family this evening!

Thank you, Lord, that your mercies are new every morning! What awesome news!!! Yeeeeeee!!!!

Golden.....plenty o' glitter still around here from the Christmas wreaths and ornaments etc 😂🤣😃. In fact, it will probably be around till the 4th of July!

FG......miracles ARE possible! I saw 11:11 the one time I looked at the clock on the drive down to the Kaiser facility. The angel sign (repeated numbers) calmed me down significantly. When dad was very sick and dying and I was praying for guidance, I kept seeing 11:11 and 1:11 on the clock....signs that all was well and proceeding as God wanted it to.

OMG what great news!

Keep up the good work, Lea!

Clean PET scan!!! Totally and truly AWESOME!!! Yes, I am shouting. This is worth proclaiming to the world!!! Bless God for His mercies, they are new every day.

Sending buckets of glitter for you to spread around!!! ✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟

So very good that the gummies worked on the hip pain. 😄😄😄

All around a great day!!! So happy for you. Big hugs ((((((((Lea))))))

That is great news all around!!! God is so good and answers the prayers of His people. He's obviously not done with you yet.

Such very good news Lea. I am so happy for you. We all do truly just have today and today it is all good!!

PET scan is CLEAN today! No new metastases and no changes to the October scan.

Thank God!

And thank YOU all for the undying support, it means a lot.

DD brought over some Quick Calm gummies with CBD, CBG, L- THEANINE and only 10mg THC which are supposed to be great for pain and relaxation (no buzz) and my hip pain is gone !


Sending love and support your way today.

Thinking of you today!

Thinking of you while you get the Pet Scan.

Sitting here looking out my kitchen window at the birds in the heated birdbath, having coffee and contemplating what you (and Chuck) are going through. Praying for only good news today.

My thoughts are with you today as always. Hoping all our minds will prove to be put at ease. I know you will stay strong.

Wishing you the best results and relief of that pesky hip pain . 🤞🏻🙏🏻

All the best! Hope your scan is “unremarkable”. (I only post in fits and spurts but follow along)

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