Welcome to Homewatch CareGivers of Bryan College Station, Texas! I’m John Hagemeier and my wife, Lisa, and I are the owners of this home care services business. Like many of you, we found our way to home care and caregiving through personal experience. After raising three children, having respective careers in selling enterprise software and dental work, we were still searching for fulfillment in our life’s mission.
Caring for others with dignity and respect is extremely rewarding and provides us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. We will be proud of the work we are doing by truly making a difference in the lives of others. Nothing feels better than seeing a smiling face and knowing you’re having a positive impact on mental and emotional health. We will see the tangible effects on a daily basis and know that we have lessened the burden on people living with significant challenges.
We are eager to find ways to help you with our person-directed approach to care. Call us to get started on your care journey.