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Oh Pam, I'm sure your heart is breaking. I'm sorry.💕Thank you for sharing your time and situation with me. The help from EVERYONE on this thread helps me more then anyone knows.
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Pepsee: Thank you! It did me as well when it happened. It so helps us to share here.
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Lost: Thank you! Yes, acceptance comes in many forms. Praise God for this forum, else where would we be?
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In a padded room...lolol😆
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My mother, who died May 25th, never admitted she was dying and got upset if I tried to talk to her about it. She bounced back from so many dire illnesses and close calls that I started to think she was immortal!

Things took a big turn for the worse in the last 2 weeks of her life, and I think she knew, even if she wouldn't admit it. She did the classic end-of-life things, including calling out fot her mother in the middle of the night, talking about seeing a white light, and wanting to go to church to "pray for us all." She was a lapsed Catholic, so this was a surprise in a way.
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My mil has ALL of the same signs. I guess I don't understand the process of passing, but I believe that she is in the denial phase. She says things like she "has pulled her plug" and "I don't understand why they haven't come to get me yet". She lays in her bed and stares at the ceiling. My husband and I have both told her only He knows when the "right " time is, but it is almost like she is "willing " it to happen based on things she has said in the past and has done and continues to do. :( it's all very sad. And makes me very sad.
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Xina, I'm so sorry for your lost. I hope you'll find peace knowing Mom's finally at rest.💕🌷Thank you for sharing a part of you with us!

Lost, I'm sitting here thinking, how I'd feel in MIL's place. I think I'd be feeling the same way, let's get it over with already. But who really knows, right? Xoxo
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My mother is sleeping 22 out of 24 hours. Can barely swallow- if you call it that, or eat., is down to 84 lbs and asked me tonight "what was wrong with her?" OMG Hospice is in place and Im not sure if she totally gets it or not at this point
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Pepsee: So true! LOL
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Pepsee - Your mother is an angel. When the time comes for her to pass, she will unite with her loved ones in God's presence and she will watch over you. I don't just believe that, I know that because you two have a special bond. And because I know the afterlife exists. I had seen it with my own eyes. Good byes here on earth are only temporary. 

Tell your mother she is not dying, she is only going to say Good-Bye until you meet again.

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Thank you so much, that puts my mind at ease!!

Umm, maybe someday you might decide to share your experience with me? I have lots of books on NDA's. Even before my Mom got sick ,this was a passion of mine.
If you're comfortable, if not, I understand.💖
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Oh Annie, hang in there. I wish I could give you a real hug.😔
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Hi Pepsee. How did it go with the spiritual counselor last Friday? Did your mom talk to him/her?

Last year when my mom was very sick and close to dying, and we all thought she was, my mother kept saying my late father came to visit her everyday. One time in particular, she fainted, and I was tending to her at her bed, she came to, and told late father was standing at the foot of her bed. I looked and saw nothing. I told her no one was there. She pointed and insisted that he was there looking at her. Again I said no. Then I saw him, in the mirror, leaving the room through the window of her bedroom. My blood just turned cold.

The next few weeks or months, my mom still saw him, but as she recovered and got stronger, she didn't mention him anymore.

This was the first time I actually saw a spirit. But I have witnessed an injured and bedridden person suddenly got up and walked to chair when a spirit entered her body and took over. The spirit then spoke to us in a different voice. After that the spirit left, she collapsed and had to be carried back to bed.

I also have read books about near death experience, ghosts, and reincarnation. Until I actually experienced it, it was just a belief. I now I know spirits exist.

Our spirits leave the bodies when we die but our souls live on in the spiritual realm. I have no idea how it is on the other side, but I will find out when I get there. It does make me a little less afraid of death. It's not the end, it's a beginning of another existence.
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