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golfbhard LOL I agree. You have to take some mindless rantings like that with a grain of salt.
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And mylady, how classy you speak.
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golf I agree with you. This is too much of a hot topic to be on the caregiver forum. People are more divided than ever, and a more divisive administration has never been seen in the history of this country. Quite the irony, considering this was the guy who was going to bring everyone together. Hope? Not any on the horizon if we elect to keep this man in office. Change? Only if we clean sweep and allow someone with some actual leadership take over the reins.
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Fact check --- EVERYONE --- please. This is not useful information-- the way it currently is posted. Because this list serve does not allow you to make any retractions or corrections, you could be passing along nonsense paid for by people profiteering from your gullibility.
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There is no way I would vote for a democrat, (Obama). Romney and Ryan are not going to take any medicare from anyone already 55 and over. We must get rid of Obama care.
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WOW Sunnyshine
How do know all your information to be correct.I do think we need to reseach both sides plans. After all Romney put the health care plan Massachusetts has in effect.
There will always be problems with anything new.
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Since the civilized World has existed, one rule and one rule only has been successful in bringing down a Country. "Divide and Conquer". I have never seen such total division before in this Country, in all my 78 years. Look around you, America is about to be Conquered and Democracy will cease. Our Freedoms are at stake, especially our Religious Freedom and our gun-bearing Freedom.
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I was surprised to even see this question on the forum. Looks like it was posted by someone who works st aging care. I wonder what their feelings on this subject are. I also had a post removed from this question.
I think this is not a place to discuss politics if posts are removed to support others views. Let's get back to caregiving where we are all on the same side.
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Yes. Technically, that is not the governments money, it's ours because we made the contributions. Congress has already robbed the trust fund of millions of dollars in the past 10 years in order to balance the budget. That's not why we contributed. As for having an option, that may be nice for those who are savvy with investing, but we all know of horror stories that robbed people of their investments. Medicare is the only sure thing there is (except taxes and death), so let's keep it that way. The government could do a lot to save the fund by aggressively seeking out fraud and we can check our bills to find out, and report, if anyone has billed Medicare for something they didn't receive, or overcharged for it.
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My mother and father taught me not to stand silent while others are treated unfairly. Thus I'm goiing to take on the rants about abortion and gays. If someone is gay and not bothering you, what is your problem about letting them live their lives in peace in a committed relationship? There are plenty of married men (some R's in Congress) who have been "caught" in same sex incidents. This is because they have repressed their true nature to try to conform to other people's standards. There are male and female child molestors who molest children of the opposite sex, but they can adopt children but gays can not. Look at the individual and not stereotype them as you would not want them to stereotype you. Now re abortion: I'm sure there are very few women who intentionally get pregnant so they can have an abortion. Leaving that small percentage behind, there are women in abusive relationships or in situations where it would be unsafe to bring a child into the world. And many of those opposed to abortions are also against providing brith control, either via health insurance benefits or to the poor in planned parenthood clinics. They don't want govt programs to help poor families. They want all immigrant children kicked to the border. I really don't know how these people can rationalize their beliefs. If you have lived a long life, you should have learned nothing is black and white. And you should look to a common ground. If you don't like abortion, then support free birth control and instead of having your own children, adopt unwanted ones, black, white and illegal. When I see postings like some of the ones I saw here and motivates me to do whatever I can to get some sanity back into our political process.
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, I think the best way to form that opinion is getting information from a source that is independent or has nothing to gain one way or another by giving you information. The source's goal should be to give you the facts & details...the truth, NOT to cherry-pick the info based on what they think you want to hear or what will stir you up or what makes their candidate look good or what the ratings or "audience research" shows the viewer's liked or want to hear. I get my information from a variety of sources...some right leaning...some left leaning...some independent. Then I compare specific points and answers to come to conclusions. It is obvious by some of the comments on here that the authors of the posts have become non-thinking, lacking the use of common sense and logic, brainwashed robots. Someone earlier said it quite well..."...make people vote against themselves. Cloud the real issues affecting voters with "hot button" non-priority issues (and mold the "enemy's" message in a manner which is a turnoff to your party's loyalists) and you can lead voters like sheep, right off the cliff." One particular cable network, Fox (whose owner and operators' integrities, or lack of, have been ridiculed due to their activities overseas) bases their programming on the fear factor and demonizing anyone and anything from other sides. If you watch them regularly and consume everything they say as being truth I am sorry to say you have been used and abused as a pawn. Reminds me of Joe McCarthy's tactics, though I think he believed his hateful accusations were true. This particular network, I think shapes the info with the philosophy..."tell them something enough times (especially opinion and unfactual claims) and keep drilling it into them, and they'll believe it." (Their "fair and balanced" slogan is a good example. Because they say it, doesn't make it true!) Based on comments included in some posts here, some are entrenched in their thinking and there is no way they would even think about changing their opinion or their stance. Their opinion on any issue has already been decided not based on facts but what they're told to believe or what they should believe as being a "good Repub". They will not actually vote for what's best for them but what they've been influenced to think and in essense they could be "voting against themselves". Some things have been written here about Pres. Obama (whom I didn't vote for), the Affordable Care Act and his approach to Medicare that just are not true. I encourage everyone to not rely on one media source. Seek out a variety of information from a variety of sources to find the truth. Ask questions. Seek out the answers to your questions from a variety of sources and compare the info. Remember just because XYZ says it, doesn't mean it's true. Since Medicare affects us now or will in the future, a good voter should take the extra time and effort to become an informed voter and help make decisions that would be best for most of us.
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No One has much to say how all this affect's the real workers of America just more talk about the poor ole rich that put us here to begin with .You Sunshine cannot deny that Clinton balanced the budget and economy was better than it had been in years .Bush did sink us in and left us sinking causing people that finally could finally own their home as the result from Bill Clinton cleaning up the GOP to loose it because he would not stop the rich from controling it and running them into the ground more and more that has gone on into the Obama stay and has hold because of the GOP in control and holding back to allow recovery unless it benefits the rich this is still going on with out any regard to our country's health in all way medical and job's forcing the working class to have to live off the USA whether it is welfare or dib in's they are running us in the ground as long as they can for their personal gain .The truth is when every one has to work to gain on a more equal basis we all benefit because we all have to put out resources what ever they may be to have a gain .I agree Obama could have done better but he was blinded and on the wrong trail and he openly restarted .Now Mitt Romney is trying to duplicate what others have already tried to do that did not work .He has in fact made most of his money by buying out and sucking them dry and leaving them to be shut down .I do not trust his track record as he will be for the rich to gain only I might be wrong but his track say's no and he will run us in the ground also Obama did not cut out welfare by letting people live on it free he raise the bottom to increase the out put meaning more will have to go to work or loose it's benefit's and why doesn't Ryan support his mother we support ours and we are far from being rich
Johnny T.
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Sharonmill1946--Sunnyshine is entitled to her opinion and true to Democratic fantasy, you protest too much at what she has to say, simply because there is nothing she did say that is not factual. When you defend obama, you are defending the indefensible. Yes, obama has no feeling and care for the U.S. None of his acute failures over the last years are accidental, but part of his larger plan to bring us down. If you had paid attention in 2008 and not turned a blind eye (and ear) you might have opened your mind to seeing this wolf in sheep's clothing. To think that 4 yrs. later obama supporters still have learned nothing is maddening, foolish, unconscionable and a threat to all of us who have done our due diligence. Yes, give me a President who is American (really), loves America and wants to see us prosper, no matter what the party affiliation may be. The election of obama was a terrible, damaging mistake. Our ability to un-do these policy decisions must begin immediately in 2013, and God help us and hopefully our new President to begin the healing.
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Medicare and SS are not the same things -- two different funds entirely.
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Well, the question will be moot if Obama is re-elected. The Administration has said, Medicare will go broke in a very few years and we won't have to decide if the other party could have done something to preserve some of it or set up an alternate system to at least help.
The top 1% is paying 80% now and soon the % of people 'receiving' will exceed the % of people. 'available to 'give'. What happens then? GOD help us.
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BTW, the borrowing wasn't all during Reagan. The fund has been repeatedly used as a lender. We were starting to pay some back in the 90s, but I don't know how much has been paid back (or borrowed in addition) since then.
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Social security is in good shape as far as the numbers. The trouble is that much of the fund is in treasury notes and bills -- the result of the government borrowing from SS to put in the general fund. If SS were to have to call in all the notes, it would be terrible for the general fund. The bad thing is that the government starting borrowing from SS during Reagan's administration and has yet to repay it all. A large part of our national debt is owed to SS, a major holder of Treasury notes.
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Some of these posts lead me to another issue I've been thinking about lately. I wonder if anyone has 'run the numbers' on the solvency of Medicare and Social Security if there was an asset requirement to collect. Years ago, I was at a kids' sports function at a swanky golf club and there were three older men chatting at the table next to me. They had just finished talking about their recent travels (one on a month-long trip to Asia and the other who'd rented a yacht and sailed around the the French Riviera). That gave me a rough idea of the status of their finances. They then started talking about Social Security. One mentioned that he sets aside his check for his car lease payment and that the size of the check determined the car he leases. Meanwhile, my grandmother was struggling to live on her $900 social security check.
Why does everybody get a Social Security? Why does everybody get Medicare? Shouldn't those programs, like welfare and food stamps, be for those who need help? Don't try the argument that "I paid into it, I should collect from it." That doesn't hold water. The taxes you pay aren't a personal savings account.
Why, if I retire with millions of dollars in the bank, do I get to collect from a social welfare program that was intended as a safety net for those in need? I think it's time to implement an asset test for those applying for Medicare and Social Security.
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for those who are experiencing trouble finding doctors who will accept medicare, I can only image it will be worse under a voucher plan, especially if you are not in the same class as Ryan's mother who is apparently wealthy. wintering in her 2nd Lauderdale-by-the Sea florida home. Just like there are some doctors now who have created concierge medicine where they charge patients a set annual fee to get "extra special treatment" and although they silll take medicare, how many seniors can pay their extra fees which now are about $600 to $5000 depending on the dr. and that's just an annual fee to get special access, like the dr's cell phone and priority appointment. . So I envision doctors only pariticpating in those better insurance programs that the wealthy will be able to afford, taking their govt voucher and supplementing it with their own money and leaving the middle classes and lowers with Medicaid type of Medicare options where it is almost impossible to find a dr, ,much less a good one.
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We focus so much on the presidential election. The most important elections, really, are for the Congress. It is strange how states can elect the same people year after year, then expect things to change. Bills have to pass the floors of both chambers of Congress before getting to the President. If something doesn't make it through Congress, it won't happen.

I live in a state right now that there is only one issue that decides if candidates win or lose -- pro life vs choice. A candidate can be a total money-grubbing thug, but if he/she says they are pro-life they will win the majority of votes in the state.

On the personal side -- I don't know what we would have done without Medicare for my parents. The cost of insurance is very high. I am self-employed, so pay a good bit every month for basic coverage. It doesn't matter if I have a good month or bad month in sales, the insurance payment rolls around every month. I pay it because I know the health care system will wipe me out financially for the rest of my life if something were to happen. Isn't it sad that we have gotten this frightened of the devastation that the health care system can cause with its high cost. Would I want to lose the security of Medicare as I get older? Of course not, and no one is going to convince me to vote against my own best interest.

So many of the messages here remind me of the viral emails that are forwarded by elderly people. My ex used to get all these hate messages every day. It turned him very bitter. I don't know why people believe all that garbage. These emails are started by people in the parties, then sent out to enrage people against the other party. Viral emails are effective for the elderly population. Not so much for the younger people, since it is socially unacceptable for them to forward emails like this. Kudos to the young people for this. It stops the chain of hate and bitterness.

My only question when I vote is who is looking out for my best interest in the upcoming years. Medicare and social security are currently top on my list, because I am 60 years old, and my retirement savings are looking smaller as the cost of living keeps going up, the mutual fund market stagnates, and the bank interest rates plummet. And I have to ask myself if I am a poor person or a rich person. I will pay particular interest to Congress, but it won't really matter. The only thing that will determine the majority vote in the state is the pro life or choice issue.
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I'm worried. I saw in the last election how seniors were manipulated into holding town meetings and protests against "socialized medicine." How can anyone who is benefitting from Medicare be against socialized medicine? Medicare IS socialized medicine! That made it shockingly clear to me that it is easy to make people vote against themselves. Cloud the real issues affecting them with 'hot button' non-issues (like gay marriage, abortion, etc.) and you can lead them like sheep, right off the cliff.
Medicare has never been more important than right now. Companies have largely abandoned their retirees to their own devices. We have the largest demographic in the country about to enter their golden years, many pensionless and with insufficient savings and many without health insurance. Imagine what this country will be like when the baby boomers are retiring in record numbers and they have no health coverage. The politicians won't be able to frighten them out of their vote with nonsense about 'death panels' when they'll see people dropping dead from simple, treatable conditions.
I think the only way to turn things around is for citizens to be as self-serving as politicians. The middle class is still the largest class and if they voted to improve their own lot, the whole country would benefit. Ironically, the rich would benefit the most. The thing that many politicians don't seem to get is that if the middle class can't afford to buy things, nothing else really matters. The economy literally cannot improve. I actually felt for Romney when he was lambasted for saying "I don't care about the poor." Obviously, it was a major gaff as a statement, but I know what he meant. There will always be poor people, we must have a sufficient safety net, but you don't set economic policy around the poor because they have so little buying power. I believe that's what he meant. What he would never say is that the rich don't matter either. Despite their stockpiles of money, their buying power is miniscule when compared to the middle class. As a class, they don't create jobs and their numbers are so small, they don't buy enough stuff to keep the economy going. They can afford private insurance or even private pay, so they aren't a consideration in that debate either.
Medicare is a real voting issue for me this time around. I'd vote for a candidate who's not going to address it at all before I'll vote for someone who I know will make moves to privatize it. That would be a disaster of epic proportions. The people who use it now or who will use it in the future need to vote to protect it.
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We all have preexisting conditions, sometimes known and sometimes unknown. They are in our genes. And many of us live with the potential financial devastation of a long term illness. It's a fear not possessed by those in countries with health benefits provided by the government, such as the UK and Israel. It's not surprising that in those countries the cost of health protection is lower than in the US. Insurance companies exist to make money, not pay out claims. My vote will be decided by this major issue.
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I am disappointed in the inability of government to see the problems and find the solutions. No point in "blaming", that does nothing positive. Let us VOTE and DEMAND that real progress be made on better healthcare for all, paid for by ALL, and not making exceptions for the wealthy and powerful because they are wealthy and powerful. States may need to take the lead if Wash DC cannot. Citizens must SPEAK OUT!
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absolutely not .Every single lie that i hear from the democrats just emboldens me to see through their fear tactics.It is time for both parties to realize that it's our money !
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In NO WAY will I ever vote for this Republican agenda made by fat cats who have NO care for anyone who doesn't believe in the US governemnt privatising medical care, whether it is medicare or the rights of a woman -or a man for that fact, to have control over personal medical decsions. Guess who will have financial interests in the private medicare type plans that will be developed if the Republican get into office. You got it, it will be the Romneys and the Kochs...ready to jump and make more money while the voters will not be able to afford enough coverage. The middle class is being pushed to accept a lower standard of medical care without a care, as Romney is obviously out of touch with elders' or women's needs. He may hug all the senior citizens he wants in a well funded campaign, but where is he in the inner city? Does he really care about the middle class? I haven't seen it. Shouldn't that money go for education of the public to know preventative health care and medicare and not endless private finding by the Koch brothers to set their Republican agenda so they can keep their millions? By the way, here in New England, we think Romney is joke since the health care program here was partially implemented by him. What a hypocrit!
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I think we have to research exactly what Romney and Obama are proposing, and not just listen to the TV ads. Medicare is not my concern as much as the fact that we live in a country that will deliver a baby entirely except for the head and then stick an instrument in the back of the head and kill the baby (partial birth abortion). And this is legal. What in the world has happened to our country? How can we vote for people in authority that agree with this insanity? Medicare is a problem, but that issue doesn't compare with a human life, an innocent baby. How tragic. If we get politicians in there that respect human life, I think they will also try their best to do what's right for all people in all situations ... hopefully. That's my 2 cents. :-)
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How Medicare is handled is just one of many considerations in the 2012 election, of course, but is near the top of my list. I've got an aged Dad, an aging husband, and am myself a late baby-boomer approaching retirement age. The stability of Medicare is important to me and my family. My understanding of the Republican approach is that while it might save a few tax-dollars, it would de-stabilize the program and reduce or eliminate access to many seniors. Perhaps the solution is twofold: better policing of fraud and over-billing, and requesting that the top-earners in our country pay their fair share of taxes. I enjoy living in a country where we all pitch in to educate our children, build infrastructure, and care for the sick and elderly... but it only works if we all chip in. I think the Democrats' plan supports this, while the Republican platform seeks to protect the wealthy at great cost to our nation as a whole.
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The reality is that Medicare does work and delivers a level of essential care to a large segment of the population. We pay for Medicare with a 2.9% income tax levy of which we pay half and the employer pays half. The part of Medicare the R's want to disembody is a part that works well and is efficient. A simple way to enable Medicare to have financial relief would be to lift the embargo on acquisition of drugs in the free market allowing medicare to buy the way the VA buys instead of at premium prices. Also, take the lawyers out of the equation. Australia has a single payer based system and litigation has caps and also penalties for frivolous litigation against the plaintiff if they waste the courts time. These would be huge steps to reducing unnecessary costs.
Also, do the R's have mothers who could take them aside and give them a dope slap?
Maybe we need a smaller military and fewer wars and spend that money instead on the health and welfare of our citizens........ Me
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Well-stated, Sunnyshine. I am with you. Another 4 years of Obama and there won't be any $$ in Medicare or Social Security, because he will have either spent it or given it away to illegals or foreigners. So sad for what is happening in our country, especially for the elderly who have built this country from scratch, fought wars, and used their creative skills to make this nation strong and plentiful with work and resources. And now the young politicians are going to throw our elderly people under the bus.
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Since I've already experienced Medicare discrimination I don't see how we can win either way. I was told by a dermatology office, "she no longer accepts Medicare." When I went for my annual physical I was given only one blood test, "because I'm healthy." What's the point of an annual, preventative physical if the doctor can pick and choose who gets what?! I could be developing diabetes or leukemia and I guess I have to get sick before I get treated. I have good secondary insurance so there is no need for this. What irritates me about the Medicare and Social Security debates is that I WAS NEVER ASKED IF I WANTED TO PAY INTO EITHER SYSTEM. I worked for 47 years and both were simply deducted from my paychecks. Suddenly what was a benefit is now and entitlement and we are treated like pariahs. I'm tired of both parties. I don't believe anything they say because in the end they do what's expedient for themselves and not the people. Sorry for the rant. I'm just tired and scared of the future for everyone 65 and older.
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