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I got an email from our congregation yesterday about a particular member who needs shopping done. Another member volunteered her college age son, saying that she knows that this man wants certain items from certain stores. I emailed back that it would be better use of the son's time to teach this gentleman how to order online than to bounce from store to store. "Oh, but he is so particular" is not cutting it these days.
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NeedHelpWithMom, that's a first for me.   I hadn't thought about undesirable vermin and changes in their normal diet and eating modes.   That's unsettling... as if there aren't enough problems already.   

Would this be an opportune time to add rat poison to foods that they might seek?   They're undesirable vermin and do carry diseases, so I think that would be justified.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Yeah, the mayor made me laugh talking about ‘our rats’ are marching down streets looking for food. The mayor said she is going to set traps.

She was concerned about disease. But hey, they are a part of the circle of life.

Certain areas now have the coyotes that are going after small dogs. It’s weird but people are taking over their land all over so it will happen.
And just yesterday I was joking the Canada should deploy the military along the border to keep infected Americans out....
Helpful Answer (4)
Shell38314 Mar 2020
I just forwarded an email to my sister. It’s on John Hopkins University on Covid-19. Her daughter is a nurse - in case she’s interested in learning more.

“COVID-19 Learning Opportunities from Johns Hopkins”

1. Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out, a free two-week learning event, beginning Tuesday, March 31

2. Epidemiology in Public Health Practice Specialization, an on-demand five-course sequence that goes into even greater depth about the field and its tools, available now.
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Bookluvr, are these online courses?   Can anyone participate?  I'd love to hear more technical advice from the medical profession.
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bookluvr Mar 2020
It’s online courses open worldwide through ‘ ‘

I learned of this website (years ago) when Gladimhere alerted us of the upcoming free online courses in dementia/Alzheimer.


We did our last grocery shopping today. With the 45 confirmed cases, it's time to hunker down. Told oldest sis we will now start eating sparingly to make the food last as long as possible. I have absolutely no desire to go out in public. We bought another bag of 20 lbs. Jasmine rice. We were looking at the 50 lbs rice. I told sis that it's too heavy to lift - even if we did it together.... I'm tired... And this ordeal is just beginning.... I miss fave sis!!!
Helpful Answer (6)
MAYDAY Mar 2020
drove to too many stores yesterday.. I was tired and livid.. TP really that much of an issue? I guess,,, I tried, wont do that again.... Got home and was absolutely exhausted... got in house took a shower and washed my clothes and towel... That was the longest time I was out and about looking for one thing... I will not do that again.. Usually dart and dash of what I need.. That to me seems ok.. I will know when I am wrong if I get sick.. I don't go out, and I stay my distance, although a man did cut in front of me today.. almost said something,, but that distance marker made me clam up and smile... he knew... the lil rat.
Book, my daughter bought that rice too! You will never eat that much. That’s a lot of rice! LOL.

We do bread pudding here in New Orleans as a treat. I have never made a rice pudding or even tasted it. We don’t make it here. Is that good? Do you make it?
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xrayjodib Mar 2020
Would love a good bread pudding recipe!!
It's my kryptonite!!
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You guys are scaring me to death talking about rats in the cities.... We live in the woods, and I haven't even seen a vole or a mouse in about two years! Remind me to stay here....
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

You know how rats do live in metro areas. Lord here, we have rats. Cajun areas they eat the nutria and alligator, squirrels, etc. Well, we have gator dishes in a few restaurants here too. I have had it. It’s good. My daughter and I tried a gator appetizer.

What wildlife do you see? Do you have fireflies? Those are so cool. We don’t see those in the city. But I remember being in a rural area as a kid and seeing them light up and I thought they were so cool!
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HOpefully the stores will be shelved with actual TP... I have a newspaper ready just in case... heard they used to use that and the Sears catalog back in the good ole days
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Wow! Yeah. I don’t know how those traps work. Our mayor said that the traps work.
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Unfortunately Schrederkin these steps are needed to prevent this killer virus from spreading. Our Doctors & Nurses and all the Medical Staff right across the Board are working tirelessly to contain this Corona Virus. Trust in the Management as they know best.
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Well the water service is now complaining that all the baby wipes people without babies foolishly hoarded, are CLOGGING the pipes. Gee ya think? The lack of common sense among this community never ceases to amaze me!

I went to Nob Hill Thursday night and Costco yesterday afternoon. And All paper products were sold out. Of course they were! Same with Clorox & Lysol wipes. I couldn’t even get my liquid dish soap at Costco because it’s sold out! And to my surprise, they have raised the limit of 2 cases of water per member to 5! As I was walking through the parking lot, I kept seeing people walking out with 4-5 cases in their cart and I was thinking what the heck is going on here? I’m gonna be pissed if I get in there and there is no water left! Well there was maybe 25 cases left by the time I made my way to the back of the store. They’ve done a number on the inside of the store too! I guess to accommodate the boards of people who line up at 3am and rush inside when the doors open at 9, they’ve blocked partial access to the back of the store where the water, toilet paper and cleaning supplies are. You have to go a certain route and there’s no way cut through like there was before. Anyway bought 2 cases of water. Hubby said I should have bought 5. WHY THOUGH? So I can contribute to the problem? 2 cases will last us 2 weeks.

It looks like I am going to have to start getting up at the crack of dawn so I can be at the grocery stores When open, if I want to buy toilet paper. I have an emergency plan in case we run out but my family will NOT be happy with me if I have to implement it LOL!!

I went in to hubby’s bathroom last night
and not only does he have 3 rolls of TP hidden away in there but he is hoarding 10 packages of the fancy bum wipes he gets from the dollar shave club!!!!! SMH. Guess I know where to look first, when we run out of TP. We can use the wipes he’s hoarding!
Helpful Answer (7)
Shell38314 Mar 2020

Just tell hubby he has to share! LOL!
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Try searching the website at and click on your zip code plus what item you're looking for. Items "available" in stock is worth trying your selection and may save driving trips/lines. Good Luck!!
Helpful Answer (2)
lilhelp Mar 2020
Thank you!  I can't get it to work on computer.  Tips?      lil
CA is shelter in place as of March 28, 2020 until Further Notice. As of today, all San Mateo County parks have been closed due to overcrowded walking.
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worriedinCali Mar 2020
CA has actually been shelter-in-place since the 20th I believe. The governor ordered it last Thursday.
My state has just been given a 'stay at home order', only essential business. This is for Monday and today the traffic looks like Christmas - so this should work really well! If the whole country had been locked down sooner, maybe things would be different. Now all the business people are running around trying to get all their work done before Monday and I imagine the stores are crowded with people panicking and trying to get a bunch of groceries before Monday. So much for that idea.
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NeedHelpWithMom, Yes, we occasionally have fireflies in the summer. When I was a kid at my grandma's in Chicago, we had lots of them, but only recently have ever seen them out here in the Black Hills. I lived for years in Florida, and really like the deep fried alligator, deep fried conch, conch chowder - now I'm homesick!
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

That’s how my daughter and I ate the gator. It was bite sized fried gator served as an appetizer.

I love Florida. My daddy grew up in Florida so we went to the beach every summer. Those white sand beaches and blue-green water, so very pretty! 😊

We can dream of it!
While it makes good sense to have extra essentials......this hoarding mentality is selfish. TP, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and sprays, thermometers etc. Are hard, if not impossible to find. Grocery stores are essential businesses and will remain open. So will pharmacies, and then there is always the big box that will deliver. The main purpose of the stay in place order is to slow the spread of the virus and not overwhelm our healthcare system (N.Y. is already there). What bothers me most is still seeing crowds of people completely ignoring social distancing. They put others at risk and our most vulnerable in harms way. So PLEASE people, stop buying more than what will get you through for two weeks and unless you absolutely have to go out.....stay home!! Lives depend on it.....COVID19 does not discriminate, but certainly overwhelms the most fragile among us. Take care everyone!
Helpful Answer (6)
MAYDAY Mar 2020
no, this virus doesn't care what you are.. but a lipid living thing, that it can attach to, and perhaps jump to another carrier when it precariously happens, or does it have a small brain? A very teeny, tiny brain, maybe.. who knows. Someone said it doesn't like the sun,,, Vitamine D. or C.... or maybe send some into Cryo Innovations, cryo genics chamber, and see what happens to it?
All I know,,,, If it happens upon me, and I don't see it, and it got into me:::
DNR ME. I don't want to be intubated/// :( I don't want to be blamed for passing it along. That would kill me.
And this day is done, I tired, GN
I live in a small town not really small, but it is not consider a big town; anyways, the police department has announced yesterday that "they Will Not enforce the stay home order." Well that is just great we had 1 case 2 wks ago then we got 5 cases well the next day we had 12 case and now it seems we are getting more cases everyday! Not as bad as most cities, but it will be if people won't stay home!!!

Well, people were taken to their homes until that announcement. Now, people are out and about like nothing is going on. Had to go to Lowe's for one little thing and I could not believe how busy they were and people grouping together! Yikes!! As I was going through the store with my sig other it was like being in a videogame. We were dodging people making sure we stayed 6ft away from people! We got what we needed and got the heck out of there!

No one in my area is taking Covid seriously! Do the people in my city don't watch the news? Do they think it is not going to happen here? The whole east side of my state is highly infected with Covid! Ugh!! I just wish people would stay home! We do!!! Won't be going anywhere for awhile!
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schrederkim Mar 2020
Only .03% of the population has tested for the disease. Many people do read the news, and that is why they don't take it that seriously. The original data provided by WHO has been shown to have errors, and the disease is not following original models that were based on flu contagions without vaccinations. Over 99% of the people who contract the disease recover. There are, of course, people who need to be careful no matter what. I had a common cold a month ago, and I made sure to stay away from my seriously ill mother, because people who have colds can die (56,000 last year according to the CDC), and I worry about my Mom. There is a lot of needless panic over this, and we need to keep it in perspective.
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Shell, I know it’s disturbing to hear that the police aren’t enforcing the shelter in place order! I don’t know how to explain the reasoning but basically the police have to practice proper social distancing. I’m sure if they see people out in large groups they will tell them to move a long and go home but they won’t make an issue of it. My husband took our son to the neighborhood park yesterday to throw the football even though all parks are closed (there’s a big grassy area, they didn’t go on the playground) and he said it was because his department isn’t enforcing the order. Unless you do something egregious, most police departments won’t cite you for being out and about. I know it probably doesn’t make sense though. I can see both sides, we need to enforce the order because people are not taking the pandemic seriously but we also need to keep our first responders on the job. If they all end up in quarantine....well God help us all! We need our police, fire and paramedics because crime, fires and medical emergencies won’t stop happening.
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I went to Target this afternoon to get cat litter. And look for toilet paper and napkins. Still no paper products to be found. We need bleach too....came home empty handed there too. Got the litter but nothing else we need. Almost died twice while walking back to my car. But on the bright side, an ambulance parked 2 spaces away from me so had I been hit, I would have been treated right away. The first idiot pulled into a spot, I watched him as I approached and right when I was behind him, he started to back up and almost took me out. I jumped out of the way and continued waking down to my car.....and almost got nailed from behind by a car that speed by! The idiot driver was talking on the phone, he was holding it up to his face with one hand and steering with the other. I was off to the side too, it’s not like I was walking down the middle of the aisle.

And Shell.....people are really letting their lack of common sense come out. So many people are refusing to take this seriously because they don’t know what city the people testing positive live in! We all need to act like it is EVERYWHERE and take proper precautions! Over here they aren’t telling us what city the COVID patients live in. They are just telling us the number of positive tests in this county and how the transmission occurred. We are up to 32 as of last nights. It seems like a lot of people need to hear “5 people in city A, 10 in city b” before they take it seriously! Until then they will act like it’s not in their city! I really don’t understand the way these people think. If it’s in your county, you are at risk and you need to take precautions and stay home! But sooooo many people don’t get that! Every time the media updates us on the number people ask what city the patients live in....why does it even matter? The virus is here!!!
Helpful Answer (2)
Shell38314 Mar 2020

Sorry to hear of your lack of getting paper products and especially almost getting hit! Ugh!!

Common Sense is a superpower that must people don't seem to have these days! Here, they are telling us how many cases and in what cities!! But people are just grouping together in parks and at Lowe's today! We do have a small amount of cases in my city, but Covid is growing very fast in one of our major cities.

However, I do get what your saying about the police. The first responders do need to be safe...we need them!! It is just frustrating!

For my sig other and myself, we do act like everyone is infected; I just wish everybody else would do the same! I guess I am just tired of stupid people!!😡
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I just received a phone call from my 'baby' brother. He and his coworkers are on a contract project in NY. The project ends next Friday. Unfortunately, 2 of his coworkers are now confirmed with the virus. Self-quarantined in the hotel they're staying during the project. Family is pressuring him to abandon post and leave before he gets the virus and before NY's border is shut down. At first I agreed. Then I asked what will happen if he abandons post? … Oh myyyyy … He is Definitely an Essential employee. I told him no. I Agreed With Him. He must stick it out despite the pressure from family. Plus he is under quarantine. He must remain there until he's cleared....

In the meantime, can he send an email request to his supervisor if he can leave earlier from the project due to 2 coworkers are confirmed cases and bro has a heart problem. He is on CPAP and he does struggle to breathe when he walks long distance. If that fails, escalate to HR. If that fails, then just hunker down and be paranoid. (Then I messaged him the YouTube video 'They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha-Haa')
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Got the low down on the TP DISPENSE ... Got up in time went to that market before 10:30 .. And then 10;50 , i was talking to some random person in isle 10.. we were waiting for the pallets to be placed... not yet. I asked if he would watch my cart of a minute while I meandered around the store for a minute for other stuff, ...Whoa, and behold!! the magical pallet appeared in ISLE 14 !!! I scrambled, grabbed my 2 limit's worth of the 'GOLDEN TP'.. Ran back to isle 10 and told my new TP friend, IT'S HERE !! Hurry.... ISLE 14 !!. He asked if I could watch his cart,, I said no, take it with you for a ramming rod just in case (kidding),
I ran out almost 2 weeks ago... we were using any kind of tissue. I was in panick mode by now..
Got to the checkers and only one PACK PER PERSON. Thank goodness I was shopping for my aunt's supplies too... She needed some, and also apple sauce, breakfast carnation etc... 2 packages of TP will get us through for a bit, until I get the nerve up to hunt again. I'm in California.

My cousin , Michigan.. stores are out of kitchen garbage bags... huh? Does every state have a certain product they are low on?
We are low on garlic.. TP, Water, although, lowes had 4 new pallets), so maybe water is not a big commodity now, people found their gas stoves, pitchers with filters, and they ADULT SIPPY CUPS?... Ya, I didn't run out of water, my kitchen sink has a faucet. and we have a filter, and a gas stove... hmm, I remember in the early 70's, stores started to sell bottled water...? What is that a thing? and we laughed.. I was a kid..certainly wished I knew about how stocks worked... maybe not.
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Last night I heard an idiot on the news, He is suing our governor for not allowing him to purchase a gun... We are basically on lock down... Stores are closed, or online. Really? you think you need a GUN NOW? WHY? If you don't have one,,, you don't need one, especially if you feel desperate.... Do you know gun safety? Really... You do not own a gun, and now you feel you may need one... That is crazy...If you don't have one now, then most likely you don't know a thing about them, and should learn about them and your family too, before going out and spending money on a product you have seen in tv shows, and the news, and you are wanting to be bringing one into the home.. Seriously...HOw bad can that go? First time buyers should go through a SAFETY AND HANDLING CLASS, before being able to purchase the bullets for these things...seriously...I had a realtive who was a gun dealer.. Many years ago. Yoiu just don't go out, buy a gun, load it up, and shove it your night dresser...Safety lessons should be mandatory before bringing that weapon home with bullets.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
I totally agree. Dumb! Yeah, kind of crazy.

A friend of mine is married to a state trooper. An intruder got into her house one morning. She told her husband that she wanted a gun.

The first thing her husband said to her was, “You are not getting a gun until you take lessons, then lots of target practice after that because if not, the intruder will get the gun away from you and kill you with your own gun!”
And Yes, I was the stupid one not wearing the mask or gloves. I stayed away from friend I hand't seen in a while...Hard to recognize her,,, she had her mask on.. her hubby has asthma, was hospitalized a few years ago with pneumonia. My hubby has a bought with it sometimes,,,and he is worried to, it could get worse. So, I really want to be done shpping... Got th TP, IT should last a bit... unless something bad happens... . we just need to stay calm... friend in Arizona, her FIL is in physical therapy in hospital.. in lockedown... he needs to walk across his floor now.. not physical contact.. friend and her hubby can't even get into the facility to say hello.
That is sad.
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Jefferson Parish in Louisiana, greater metro area of New Orleans has decided not to accept money on the public transportation, the city buses.

My friend sent me an email link to click on to see her virtual concert. Was so sweet to hear her sing and see her pretty face. I enjoyed that.
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I'm in Southwest Ohio and we have only essential businesses open. My adult son lives with me (after his divorce),and he lost his restaurant job due to lockdowns. I am divorced and retired so I get a tiny pension and alimony. My mom is in ASF and I feel so lucky to have found this for her. It is minutes from my home and when things were normal I would visit nearly every day. But they have restricted visitors at the facility. Now I could go there as they allow 1 family member but mom herself has told me to stay home. She gets her meals and has plenty of everything else she needs, so we just chat on the phone now. I really do feel very lucky that it hasn't impacted me more at this time. But I refuse to dwell on the negative and want to stay "up" for mom and my son.
On the other end are my grandson-in-law who is dealing with his mother being in hospice. My granddaughter gives me daily updates and their family is having a rough time coming to terms with her death.
These are trying times and will bring out peoples true natures. I hope we all find the strength we need to get through this.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Your mom sounds sweet and sensible. God bless her. Please stay safe. Sorry that your son lost his job. Sad times.
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Corona virus issues: In my area, toilet paper or just paper products are hard to find, most shelves in most stores are completely wiped out,pardon the cousin in michigan cannot find ktichen size trashbags... my firedn in north california cannot find tortillas. A few weeks ago, my stores wer out of bread products, including tortillas... most places were out of bottled water.. Well that's just wrong, brita has a great filtering system,, and so do newer refrigerators. Camping stores too have filtering systems for backpackers etc.\
My BIL was invited over for dinner to a friend's house. He got there, and She, the hostess is coughing, sneezing, etc.... He has ASTHMA since he was a child... Did she know this? I kinda doubt it... And is she Aware that these may be symptoms of COVID19? Maybe, but it didn't cross her mind...
Likewise, I saw my neighbors, and the lil girl is so sweet, and bored. She sang me a song, and I gave her a "hi 5". Her mom was just about to have a heart attack. I didn't think once, about social distancing.. my fault. This kid is just 4.. and she asks her mom why this holiday is so long. I can tell you, she goes to the same school my kid went to 15 yeas ago.The director my kid had, would have made sure these kids know why this is happening. My kid's classmates endured and was taught about death.. Unfortunately, their friend/classmate died, and the director of the montessori school did not sugar coat it much. She explained life.. she explained death, and approached that subject so wonderfully... And I guarantee most children understood what it was they were dealing with. This happens. So, how do you tell your kids or loved ones you cannot visit sometimes? It does go both ways... Kids are probably wondering why they are not allowed to visit grandma or grandpa..
What do you tell a child or an elderly?
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Yeah, has to be hard for kids to understand. Older kids may get it. Younger kids won’t grasp it.
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I am passing on the name of a product that squee knew about. It actually looks like a good product.

It’s called Kulacloth.

Toilet paper problem solved!

Designed for backpacking.
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Well, I guess "Preppers" feel vindicated now, after all the heat they always took for being conspiracy nuts....
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Some people go to extremes with prepping. They are stocked for long term survival! What does that food taste like? They order that stuff online and it lasts forever.
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The extreme preppers and the extreme doomsday type cults!
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The other night, my mother wanted to go outside to get her cat. Well the neighbor had his ex-girlfriend over, which I do not like and she doesn't like me. Anywho, my neighbor's ex said, "hi" to my mother so my mother said, "hi" back! Then my neighbor's ex walked up to our fence and started talking to my mother as she (my mother) was chasing her cat down the sidewalk and the exs said, "come here, I want to talk." My mother looked right at her and said, "NO!" "You could have The Virus and I am not coming near you." My mother grab her cat and walked as fast as her little legs could carry her. I was at the front door watching my mother but my neighbor's ex didn't see me and I was laughing so hard just seeing the exs expression on her face. When my mother came in the house and she looked at me and said, "I may be out of my mind most days, but today I am with it. I'm not going near that lady. She could kill me!"

My mother's short-term memory maybe going, but she remembered me telling her to stay away from people. Some times they are just funny!
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