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Youngest death in the state today, 20 years old, no underlying health conditions. The virus is not selective
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bookluvr Apr 2020
No, it's not selective. And no underlying health conditions...
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Yikes... CNN reports US intelligence knew about the virus in China since November.. On January 3rd, this information was included in the briefing for the President.
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One of the meat packing plants here is closed for the next week for deep cleaning and testing of all employees. Two deaths of employees and many more sick. Another meat packing plant many calling out sick as partners work at the one with all the sick.
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With the virus spreading, I was very stressed about my follow up appointment at the clinic. The morning of the appointment, I adjusted the 2 masks made by fave sis. I shorten the elastic and hand sewn pipe cleaner on the top to make the top sturdier and less opening... Went to the clinic.... My doctor carefully and slowly told me to please be very careful when shopping at our 2 major grocery stores... Ohhhh.

This morning, I woke up from a real-like dream or nightmare. I came down with the virus and infected oldest sis, too. .. I woke up... Realized it was a dream. I Hope this is just a dream generated by stress. Not a premonition.
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Death at local meat packing plant, small town about 12000. Now 150 workers from the plant in quarantine.😕
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So sad, huh? Wow!
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We're seeing an increase of crime. What limited businesses that are opened (essential business) are being robbed - bakery, gas stations... There has also been an increase of vandalism by teens at nights despite a curfew after 10:00pm. What is a deterrent for these crimes popping up?

Well, just this morning, our attorney general has informed the police to: book and release or book and confined. Due to the coronavirus, he strongly recommends the 1st one. So, those gang of teenagers that vandalized several tenants' cars parked in their apartment's parking lot - have been released. Same teens turned against the owners who came out to try to stop them. Even broke a window and tried to break the door of one tenant's apartment....

Soooooo… What message is this telling the law abiding citizens? And to the law-breaking ones? … Our house is surrounded by the federal gov't section 8 clients.... My stress level has just increased more. The question is now: WHEN will our home have a break in while we're in it sleeping???
Helpful Answer (2)
Isthisrealyreal Apr 2020
That is why 3 million people bought guns last month.

The 1st hooligan that bites the dust will get people's attention to stop with the shenanigans.

I pray that you are safe and have no problems.
In our news, the local (federal) customs and quarantine have advised that they will be confiscating all declaration of personal protective equipment and other medical supplies due to the need to ration supplies to our island. I googled this and saw that the US feds have been confiscating these items nationwide - even if it’s orders made by Hospitals. These actions are leaving hospitals nationwide short of PPE and medical supplies shortage... Like the writer asked, “Where are these confiscated supplies going to?”

P.S... a local clinic doctor is complaining because the clinics are asked to help alleviate our 2 hospitals. How can the clinic stay in operation if the supplies they ordered are being confiscated?
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How to share limited supplies is a troubling question. Many organizations and states had the opportunity to stockpile necessary supplies in case of an emergency. Some did and some did not.

Because my local area is a somewhat isolated regional trauma center and could face a large number of incoming cases from an industrial accident at any time (a nuclear fuel rod production facility, a military ammunition producer, and a major chemical plant), a certain amount of critical supplies are kept stockpiled above normal operating needs according to anticipated needs, including ventilators. When elective procedures were discontinued, the freed resources meant we had a relatively large amount of PPE and vents available for our population and have only experienced around 120 CV cases so far.

Down the road in Nashville and Memphis, much better funded health care systems surrounded by large hospitals to share the load and supplies in short term crisis situations developed emergency response plans and needed supply lists but chose not to fund any significant stockpiles. When CV hit and suddenly all the hospitals needed supplies, the short term borrowing model failed.

On one hand, no one wants anyone to die because a needed vent is unavailable. Or see health care professionals required to work in unsafe conditions because of there isn't enough PPE available. On the other hand, CV doesn't make a potential industrial accident less likely, it may even make it more likely. Our state and local emergency management team and health care system decided to send 70% of our stockpiled supplies out to NYC, Nashville, and Memphis; hopefully ordered replacements should make it here before we hit our forecasted peak but we could still come up short if there's a major incident at the chemical or nuclear plant or the CV peak comes sooner or harder than anticipated.

I have a real problem with the idea of the state seizing all the stockpiled supplies and then deciding how to distribute them without any input from the people who had the discipline to raise the funds and purchase those supplies. Politics being what they are, I think more affluent districts will get more than their share while less affluent districts will be left to cope with shortages. I find the prospect of someone in a less affluent district dying because of a vent shortage while vents their funds purchased are off saving lives somewhere else really disturbing. I prefer the state agencies identify the need and _ask_ for needed supplies instead of seizing others' property.

NYC and NY state both had an emergency management plan identifying the amounts of emergency supplies needed for an infectious disease crisis and both decided to not fund even 5% of those requirements; Nashville and Memphis followed a similar path. Hopefully after this crisis, voters will push to fund emergency management needs a bit better.
Helpful Answer (3)
bookluvr Apr 2020
Yeah, that local doctor who stepped up and opened his clinic for the general public- his clinic specializes in OB/Gyne. He is one of the top five surgeon when it comes to female reproductive surgery on island.
Have been trying for weeks to get a thermometer. Presumed positive of one of my assistants, tested yesterday. Instructions from health department was to wear a mask in central office and take temp twice a day. No thermometer. Walgreen website said they had 7-9 of them. Rushed over there none on the shelves. I asked store associate where they were was told they didn't have any. I told her the website said there were some. She went to get manager to talk to me. Nope, manager told her that whAt they had was set aside for the hospital. HUH! Shouldn't they have a supply?

Told HR what happened. They were able to go buy the thermometer after speaking with the emergency management director. So, actually got a couple, one for me and one for my other assistant.

MAybe that is where all the t.p. is, locked up in managers offices being reserved for the hospitals?😄

Presumed positive assistant now on quarantine.
Helpful Answer (6)
bookluvr Apr 2020
Sorry, I didn't realized you still couldn't find a thermometer since your original post. I kept thinking the stores or drugstores would have new shipments. Guess it got sold out quickly like the TP.
Fits my avatar! Wish I could tag MsMadge!

“i can’t go because of coronavirus”
- whiny
- boring
- weak

“i’ve sworn an oath of solitude til the blight is purged from these lands”
- heroic, valiant
- they will assume you have a sword
- impossible to check if you really have a sword because of coronavirus
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I love your avatar! So cool. 😊
People are protesting the road checks. It's their rights, freedom, etc... And the nurses heard about the protest. They went out to protest the protesters.
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notrydoyoda Apr 2020
people like that who are very often very conservative folks, must stop making these issues a constitutional issue when it is a public health and safety issue as well as an issue of do you love your neighbor as yourself issue which trumps the constitution. In NC, we don't want the snow birds from New York, but they are already here. New Jersey saw that coming and shut their state down to people who did not actually live in their state.

I'm conservative myself and I love the constitution and the declaration independence more, but this is not a constitutional issue now anymore than it was with the health problem of 1918.

This is not something unconstitutional like what the American businessmen did to Hawaii. That was unconstitutional.

Hawaii was a sovereign nation with royalty and a palace, but we took that away from them. It is the only state in our country that has a palace. And the palace has running water and an elevator. It was made that way form the beginning.
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Some U.S. states are allowing non-essential businesses to open. Just depending where you live, the haircutting business will be opening up.

Here on island, the governor is planning to open the farmer’s market and the flea markets. She’s still trying to determine what other non-essentials will be allowed to open. I hope people continue with the social distancing and wearing masks when this happens.
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Recent research from the Netherlands says that up to 3% of those fully recovered from Covid-19 were found to have the antibody. Therefore, South Korea is bracing themselves for the second wave, and third, etc...

There’s also been an increase of pets (cats) getting Covid but it’s not as bad an illness as humans. So far, people can infect the animals. Animals does not infect people. They recommend that when walking your pets, please keep social distancing and avoid dog parks.
Helpful Answer (2)
Arwen31 Apr 2020
Sigh. My cat is a kisser. You know, the nose to nose type of kiss.
I'm wearing a mask these days as I didn't feel well and he hates it, he tries to take it off my face to kiss me. Poor animals, all of them, what have they done wrong.
Last night in one of the YouTube news (Asian news?), it announced that YouTube will not allow any videos in its channel that does Not go along with the WHO (World Health Organization)’s recommendations. I was going to post it but I wanted to double check it with another source. So I put the video on my Watch Later.

This morning, in my YouTube history and in my Watch Later, the news video is missing. It’s as if I never watched it. On the top of the Watch Later screen, it states “One or more videos have been deleted from YouTube.”

So... YouTube is curtailing more and more information worldwide. We won’t be able to intellectually decide from the various contradiction news of Covid. Instead, only videos agreeing with WHO’s recommendations be permitted in its channel.

Ohhh, this sounds soooo familiar... controlled media to reflect one view...
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The flu keeps mutating. No one seems to share the same symptoms. What I found fascinating is what the ER doctors are seeing. The new strain has what’s called a “happy hypoxia” or silent hypoxia. It has to do with our oxygen saturation (saturation of red blood cells with oxygen in our body). ER doctors are seeing patients coming in with 50-70% oxygen saturation. Usually the person should be dead. Yet here they are awake, talking and interacting. The doctors are puzzled over this... This may be why a person may seem to be getting better, then the next day they are so sick that they need intubation.

Interesting. Reminds me of ‘walking pneumonia’....
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cwillie May 2020
By "the flu" do you mean covid19? I think we all need to be mindful that we don't say anything that may confuse the two separate diseases, there is all ready way too much confusion about both of them!
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