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Fawnby: I'm in a similar boat. I'm on my 4th PCP in 7-8 years. I had been on low doses of Tylenol #3 for pain level 6-7+ and Temazepam for sleep. Late last year my current PCP stopped approving the two meds together. She informed me that it would be necessary to "wean" me off one or the other for "safety" reasons. To use an old expression, poppycock! I had been doing just fine on both for a number of years. So, I had to "choose" between more pain or less sleep; I "chose" sleeplessness. I am allowed to continue on Tylenol #3, at least for now. (Actually, I need a stronger med but of course I can't risk asking for it in today's world. These days misery and reduced quality of life just don't count.)

Meditation = more poppycock at least for me. I'm sure it works for some, but it has never worked for me. A "prescription" for meditation is a total waste of time. Currently, I'm taking a grab bag of OTC and a "permissible" Rx med for sleep. None of this works as well as my former, successful regimen but the medical system couldn't care less. They have their "guidelines" to follow! I maintain that these guidelines were likely established by a bunch of 35-45-somethings in excellent health who have NO IDEA what ongoing undertreated pain and sleeplessness feel like in real life. Nor do they care.

Being a street drug addict would seem like an easier route these days, if you have the right "connections" which I--a law-abiding citizen for 87 years--do not. So, I (and a lot of others) get more pain and insomnia in our "Golden Years". Lucky us!
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Reply to ElizabethAR37
Fawnby Aug 6, 2024
I empathize. I have a bladder condition that is under control with meds, but I have to wake up
and go to the bathroom three times at night. I also care for my husband who sleepwalks and has dementia on top of that. He might wake up at night sometimes so that I’m awake until I get him back in bed. He readily complies, so no big deal. These issues are manageable because with zolpidem, I go right back to sleep afterward; without it, I find it difficult and lie awake. I need to be in tip-top condition every day in order to perform my caregiving duties. Meditation is not an option three or four times during my sleeping time. This new doctor doesn’t care. I also take a hormone-based med once a week. It’s about 1/3 the recommended dose, but she refuses to prescribe anything with any amount of hormones. It is so frustrating. I feel that as an educated adult woman who understands the risks with these meds, I should make my own choices. I refuse to be infantilized by a woman in a white coat! I will find a better doctor and I’ll let the practice know that she’s why I’m leaving.
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You need to contact your Disability Attorney ASAP to see if them living with you will cut your disability. Your parents need to schedule an appointment ASAP with an Elder Attorney regarding the money they are going to get from the sale, POA forms need to be done for both of them, new Living Wills and Health Care Documents. Also Financial POA for when your father becomes unable for his and your mothers finances. Better to be safe than sorry!!
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