I recently moved out of state and took my mother with me. My mother now has dementia and I have a son with severe behavior issues. I will be laid off my job in June of 2014. However I feel I need to resign now because I take more time off because I am afraid to leave her alone during the day while Im at work and she is unable to receive assistance because she has not become a resident of the state we live in and even if she does they will use my income also I am thinking about resigning from my job and moving back home where I have more support and my mom will qualify for assistance and I can obtain employment
a) How long have you worked with the current organisation and are you respected and liked there. Do you feel satisfied and happy with your job
b) Are you financially equipped to handle the situation in absence of a job
c) Do you have skills that could help you take up a 'work from home' option
d) How serious is your mother's condition - can a nurse take care of her in your absence
e) Would you be able to rejoin as and when your mother's condition improves ?
Basically my experience with my mother has been both positive and negative - I have got to spend quality time with my mother and I feel I am doing my bit for my parents. My mom has done a lot for me and I feel gratified that I can be there for her when she needs me. Also would not have any regrets at a later point of time...
On the flip side, have become overtly anxious and fearful of her vertigo attacks (as my mom happens to be petrified of her vertigo attacks). I also see that I have got hooked on to the net looking for solutions for her problem - know it is not a very healthy sign but I seem to be obsessing about her problem. So you should ask yourself if would be able to take care of your mom without becoming overtly attached to her medical condition.
Take care and lots of love...God bless
No male head of household would even consider that option (apologies gentlemen if you're among the very rare exceptions). Don't you either.
Clearly, it's much more complicated than that for you. How does this work? 1. Find a job in the state you would like to move back to, where your mother is entitled to benefits and you've got more support. Do that first. It's famously easier to get a job when you're currently in one. 2. Plan the home and family move around your change of job. 3. Your job is your income, your security and also your place of safety that takes you out of the caring bind. When you are at work, you have "left the building" in caring terms and somebody else must cover for you. Grab every type of assistance you can find. As Jeanne very wisely counselled me (and I shall act on her advice as soon as I can get a grip) you will be a BETTER carer for protecting your own health.
Do not let go of paid work. Good luck, may a really good plan come together for you xxx
I don't know how long the state,requires her to be in the state before being eligible for aid, but for most purposes, she IS a resident of your state because she moved to your house to be your dependent. You'd file a permanent change of address at then post office and, if she has a car, register it in your state, I became a resident of Texas by moving here, registering my cars, and registering to vote.
Oddly enough, having dementia doesn't disqualify you from voting, you're even allowed to go into the voting booth with them if they need help dealing with the voting machines. I've done back when my husband wanted to vote in the last presidential election.
You also want to make sure you don't skimp on your son, who has special needs for your time. It can be hard to balance between two competing generations who need caregiving.
Please keep posting.
I don't know what other options you have but my suggestion would be to never give up your job. Make adjustments, change your hours, take a leave of absence for a short while if you have to but hang onto your job.
we all know what its like to worry ive been there I was afraid to go to the shop but the stress of worrying too much made me ill. You should like me talk to a therapist she helped me a lot and I don't worry as much I just couldn't live like that.
even if your mum is in another state surely you are entitled to some support for her do you even have a neighbour who could keep an eye on her?
Maybe talk to a doctor you know I was worrying too much and my mum is early stages and everytime I thought the worst she was fine it was more me being over protective.
Talk to someone soon!
I am caring for mum fulltime and its tough very tough no help or support from anyone. I only have a cat to worry about and trust me I do worry about him when im not there and mums alone with him so far so good.
I just cannot imagine what id do if I had a child on top of this healthy or with behaviour problems? my friends boy has adha she dosnt work is OK for money and looks after him with no support from father and shes ill from stress as much as we love and want to care for our loved ones sometimes its just not possible.
Move back home get as much help and support as you can but keep a job it will become your sanctuary! Trust me! my sanctuary is the BATH!