
My grandparents currently live in South Florida with really no family or no help. I live in Central FLorida and would like for them to move closer. My grandmother has recently experienced a lot of health issues and my grandfather has a lot of issues with his legs and it is hard for him to help my grandmother with her mobility issues. Long story short, she broke her hip a year ago, went to therapy, was doing well just using a cane. They both came down with the flu and she lost A LOT of strength. A few days ago she couldn't get off the toilet and my grandfather couldn't help her without fear of injuring himself so they called an ambulance. She had elevated coumadin levels and they kept her overnight. Fast forward to yesterday, she is being discharged and my grandfather wanted her to go into a rehab because he wants her to get stronger. She was able to use the walker to get out of the car and into the house. However, I do not know how the night went.

My grandfather is very nervous about her falling again and does not think she will survive another surgery if she falls again. She has a history of heart disease, has a pace maker and difibultor. He also is very private about the information he shares about my grandmother with the rest of the family.

I spoke to him about moving closer to me and my partner that way if anything happens we are here to help. He agreed, which is a big step.

I just do not know where to start. They live in a small condo, they own the condo and would like to move into something similar up here. They cannot be without doctors and such. I am just at a loss as to where to start. Any and all advice is welcome.

Thank you!

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Think long and hard about how much time you have to help your grandparents. What other demands do you have on your time? Children, pets, spouse, work, social life etc?

Then think about what supports they may have where they live? Friends, church, doctor, other healthcare providers. Can you replicate all that in your community?

Healthcare insurance/coverage is a huge issue in the US. That has to be your primary concern.

Have you looked into arranging for homecare for them where they live?
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There are a lot of things to consider, but, I might arrange some temporary help right now to keep your grandmother safe and help the load on grandfather. Then, arrange for grandfather and you to meet with legal counsel, unless he already has estate planning completed. Elder law attorney should be able to help sort through what is feasible and help with details and getting POA's done.
There are experts/advisors who can make recommendations according to their ability to pay. From what you describe, grandmother may need a needs assessment to see what level of care that she needs. With that info, you'll know which places to scout for options. You can ask friends for referrals and look online. Staying in their own home, may be an option, but, I'd explore how much it cost to pay for around the clock in-home care, vs. Assisted Living. Perhaps, someone who has done that will chime in around here. I think the in-home care can be very pricey.
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Are there no children in FLa? Because I feel they is should be making sure Mom and Dad are safe. Even not, if there are children, they should travel to their parents home and see what is going.

I agree, you grands need an Assisted living facility one attached to a LTC facility would be nice. This way GPa can relax knowing there are people who can care for gma. And id Gma needs more care the LTC will be right there for Gpa to visit.

First, take tours of assisted livings near you. Get prices for room and board. Care is a separate price determined by how much help each will need. Like Gma will need more than Gpa.

Finances, can they afford an AL while waiting for the Condo to sell. Then its selling the Condo. It has to sell at Market Value if Gparents will ever need Medicaid. Can they keep up the Condo while in an AL?

You may want to consult an elder lawyer.
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Contact your city's chamber of commerce, they should have a welcome package that has a step by step of getting settled in a new community.

Ask their current doctor for a referral to a doctor in your area.

Make sure that their insurance follows them, Medicare advantage plans are county specific and do not cover services in other counties, this should be your 1st step, because you can not move them away from coverage. Find out what needs to be done to transfer to the new area.

Make sure they are both willing to move and make sure you are ready to be a caregiver, because they will be calling on you. Know that their needs will only increase, so you have to look at plans for the rest of their lives, would it be better to put them in a continuing care facility now? They could go to assisted living continuing care facility and move up as more care is needed.

Have you seen them lately? I ask because my dad told me some really convincing stories and I thought he would die before I got him 450 miles to my home. Had I seen him before the big move was planned, things would have gone down very differently.

Good luck getting them the care they need and where they need it.
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