
I'm a pretty frequent Android Apps users but I haven't found anything that is a good caregiver app. Has anyone out there found any good caregiver apps or know of any in the works?

I'd love to see something that would keep track of medicines, phone numbers, care history, current health issues, hospitals and doctors, automatic notification of family members/friends in the event of an emergency, caregiver resources (i.e. aides, respite, senior centers, etc.), a social platform like this website for connecting with others, a calendar that will integrate appointments to whatever calendar app you use, a storage file for image of important docs (POAs, health care proxies, etc.), and so on. So that's my dream. :) I've seen this article (, but there's not much there.

So, anyone have any good apps to recommend that can do everything at once or feel like creating one in their "spare" time? :) Frankly, I think there's a real money making opportunity here!

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Find Care & Housing
im noy very tech savvy but i do entrust appointments and such to google calendar. it sends you an email a day before the appointment, probably sooner if you research a little more into how to use it.

Go for it!

I think as the population ages and younger people who are totally wired(!) become caregivers, this kind of app could be even more useful. Hmmm. Might have to get on that!

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