
ok, you guys have helped me before, so here goes. ok, since ive moved back to my 85 yr dads, ive been having the weirdest health problems, skin legions that come and go that 2 derms dont what it is, way too many odd 44, peri menapause has crossed my mind, everything has crossed my ive always been very in tune with my mind body and surroundings,i see whos really behind the eyes, if that makes sense..ok.. now its been a lot of deja vu as well, i remember my mom for many years complain of the most bizarre things, we all thought she was nuts, she died last year dementia. im wondering if her dementia wasnt 'helped along', ill explain..she would say 'bills trying to poison me with the water'. we all drank the same water, were ok.he tell her 'its all in your head'.words he tells me now..i think hes tampering with my food, just enough to get me bloated,and skin broke out...thats one example, im trying to keep this kinda short.. and yes, i have gone though all possibiltys, and my gut screams that he wants me too sick to date, too sick to do anything outside of, even sick, im never sick for symptoms ARE weird, but when i went to my last doc, he strongly urged me to 'get out of the house' as a trial run to see if my symptoms improve. and sure enough, they do.this last time i left for 5 days,i hobbled into my car my ankles were so swollen, skin was so ugly, but he kept on piling more and more junk here for me to do, like putting stuff in the way of the shower so i HAVE to clean it if i want a leaving sticky dripped everywhere knowing im allergic to bug bites and MUST have a clean kitchen, he 'helps' by dripping or dragging dogpoop/mud on the bottom of his shoes all up and down the hall, i vacumn it or i step in it..ya know? i had to crawl to my car to escape, i got a motel that had a spatub in the room to get my legs to work again! gone 5 days, i had lost 5 pounds ( YAY!) skin cleared up after the second wondering, since this doc has known my folks for a while, if he knows something that he cant tell me, like that my dad did this to my mom? and i hate even having my brain go to this place, but my instincts have NEVER let me down, except when i ignore them.the more i hear 'its all in my head' the more i know that if i start to secondguess myself, that'd be it for me.. im rambling, sorry.venting a little too here) now. ive asked my dad not to buy or cook food for me, i think ive mentioned that before here, and so long as im eating single serving foods, im ok. when i eat anything thats open in the fridge like milk, it starts up again.few days ago, my ankles swelled up again, so i asked how to fix the hot tub in the back yard. it needed cleaned.. first he tells me it cant be heated the usual way, he has to run a hose from another area of house .??.when i ask why he gets mad,' you think you know more than me? ive been electrician for blahblahblah'..and now the hottubs filthy...with what looks ike sediment..whatever, ive got open sores, im not getting into that water! so he yells again 'you think your smarter than your doc;....its like, jeez...i understand, stressfull, but the things my mom used to say, im now seeing! only im NOT crazy, not like he wants me to be. he does things to test me, i know him better than he knows himself i think, i see him going from one age to another, one day its 'super bill' the man that can lift a car, to 'bratty bill', the michevious boy pulling pranks on the nuns,'scary bill' the one that sees me as his siter he hates. theres 'perv bill' that goes in my undie drawer, its a different dude every day. ok. i can even handle that, but i cant handle dude trying to poison me! am i crazy? what do i do? theres so much more, dont fit me for that straight jacket just yet..i am very strong, but if taking care of him means i have to be sick by his hand, then im outta here! i dont know if he knows he does this, or an unconcious effort not to be alone.either way, im not gonna let him do to me what it sure looks like he did to my mom. its weird, my sisters son is going through stage 4 cancer that just hit this healthy 25yr old kid, makes you wonder if stuff runs in the blood? im adopted, im not that blood line. ( im not accussing anybody of anything here,just pointing out what keeps happning.over and over)
ok, ill be happy to get in more detail, ask me, i refuse to belive my mind and body are failing me, it doesnt feel like that at instincts are dead on accurate...that doesnt change with age.

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I wouldn't normally respond on an old post but Maggie makes a point that's worth addressing.

Our community DPW has notified residents to run tap water for 30 seconds or more to allow any lead to run off. I've learned from DIY forums that lead tends to settle when faucets aren't turned on, such as during the night. So I run off hot and cold water every morning or after several hours of nonuse.

The ideal solution is to replace the pipes, but that requires funds not always available, especially for someone whose only income is SS.

There's also the issue of lead in paint. Popular remodeling shows feature homeowners and professionals hacking away at walls, pulling out insulation and engaging in other activities which expose harmful and toxic substances. I cringe every time I see someone pulling out old fiberglass insulation with bare hands and w/o adequate respiratory protection.

If you're remodeling, especially for caregiving purposes, research the safe methods first before smashing up drywall and pulling out insulation.

And please check the labels of cleaners, cosmetics, lotions, etc. The Environmental Working Group has extensive lists of chemicals, some of which are found in cosmetics and cleaning products.

And on the subject of lead, did you know that it used to be an ingredient in lipstick?
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I wonder how old the house is. I know someone from suburban Chicago whose wife passed away after having been "sickly" for years with maladies no one seemed to be able to diagnose. After she passed, they found she had high concentrations of lead in her system.

From the water pipes. From the EPA:

"Lead is rarely found in source water, but enters tap water through corrosion of plumbing materials. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures and solder. The most common problem is with brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures which can leach significant amounts of lead into the water, especially hot water."
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Run for your life woman!!!! I, like you, rely on my gut instincts and the bottom line is, if you are healthy away from him, then get on down the road. It breaks my heart to think he did something to your mom and will get away with it. You are not crazy, crazy people never question their sanity. So get going and let us know how things turn out
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Very interested in your story....about what you are experiencing and what happened to your nephew...very scary to think of,,,,but just watched a movie on it....Me, I would get out and stay out

Goof luck,
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sandi..stay out of it about my sister? oh, i totally agree.i really shouldnt have put that in there, its just this big old web of stuff, all things are connecting in very strange ways.. .
now an update, so im walking around here, cleaning the yard, figured id take a picture..then i start noticing things.. like the mold issues right outside my window, like the seasoning bottle ( dads fav) almost empty, in the shop by where his truck usually sits. ( not a place where he would toss this.) im very tempted to send it to a lab to see what they come up with...but see, i know i sound paranoid, but the more i look at, the more questions that dont get answered, like, why would a man that took such great pride in this beautiful house he built with his own hands , let it go to pot while refusing to let anybody repair things? anyway, i get to the hottub out back, the one hes been pushing me to sit in, and i was horrified to see this hot water heater ( thats attached to the tub to heat it) totally scorched! i called the gas co right away, they came out and they agreed thats it not in my head, in fact, about 6 months ago we had the house fumigated, the gas co must come out to relight all pilot lights, they told him THEN not to use this water heater! i wonder if i can post this pic..and the attic, the one he loves to go into, is dripping with mold. thats why he was going up there all the time, trying to clean/cover up how bad it is!! these are full on health hazards, im thining his mind says ' im 85, passing away in a few years, why repair?' but see, he putting me at risk, the water heater outside was putting out an carbon minoxide off the charts when the gas guy came, i dont know what to do! im gonna have to figure out a lot of things here, me myself, im ready to grab my dog and go, camp at the beach is better than having my skin and health go straight down the, do i abandon ship save myself/ do i make sure hes ok when hes looking at me like im just there to serve him till hes dead? my sister treats me like the adopted kid, so why the hell am i here? that water heater thing really freaks me out..he HAD to have seen it that bad, he turned off the gas to it, but he didnt tell me? worse, hes been bugging me like crazy to sit in it? id be dead....
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Sounds like mold could be a problem?! Have you considered having your doctor do a toxicology screen on you? Maybe I've watched too many docudramas on tv but you never know . . .
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cindy, ive had 2 skin biopsys, 1st one had so many technical terms, i didnt understand a word of it, but that doc said 'paraphoriasis'..ok. then it got way worse, i started seeing dr moats, hes a great derm, he did skin biopsy, it simply said 'lbug bites'. he has perscribed me dofferent things, to not much avail. he had blood tests done,a culture , no word...( im assuming no news good news meaning nothing came up? id like to think hed tell me if something bad came up on the tests, i have to pay cash to see him so i dont go unless i really really have to.) im soooo thinking mold.. absolutly... now. where do i go from here? ive got pics of the attic, ( not really attic, more like the space between celing and rafters.) its ugly up there,it smells so musty, i KNOW everytime he goes up there ( he like to stash paper products up there, of all things) and anytime hes uop there, he coughs, i cough....
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You could contact the Health Department to inform them of the mold and carbon monoxide problems. They might even have to condemn the house. Also, there are Environmental companies out that check out environmental concerns. It is his house so you probably can't call them yourself. But you can call the the Health Department and have them check out the house.
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well this house actually is worth saving, but he wont let me get anybody in here to work on it!! i think that hes so worried about somebody coming in and finidng out hes NOT the master electricion, hes not the master planner his buddys think he is. he would rather let me and my mom get sicker and sicker than to admit he didnt do it correctly. and thats a horrinble feeling.
so im kinda starting to go ' do i save the house, and put money into it. if i do, who can u cakk? ans
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I really did not mean to say to stay out of your sister's business. I meant if your worried about what it happening just take care of yourself ...get out the you have to live there? I would not live somewhere I was afraid...Good luck
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