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Your profile says he has Parkinson's, it doesn't say anything about him having dementia or tell us how old either of you are. Men have been looking at porn forever, internet porn is distasteful as h*ll because the content is almost always demeaning to women, but danged near everyone has sneaked a peak at some time. I wouldn't intervene unless it becomes an obsession or he begins to act out because of it, let him know why you find the content unacceptable and insist that he keeps his interest private in the same way any sexual activity should be kept private.
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Change your passwords? Or can you set up some type of "parental controls"
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I'm sorry but that is adultery . Id warn him stop or he'll loose his computer privileges. I'd unplug the computer and remove it from the house.
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I feel your disgust. My son, who worked with my husband at a family business told me one time that Dad was watching Internet porn. He would watch it out in the open with people passing by his desk. It was like someone turned off a switch in me. After I found that out, I could barely stand for him to touch me. Instead of being furtive about it and secretly changing passwords, I’d tell him if he doesn’t stop watching that filth, you’ll pull the computer and then do it.
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Actually, it can happen by itself. I once typed an address wrong and ended up with a porn site from Korea! Yikes! So I know personally that you can accidentally access porn sites. Not, I'm sure, several times a day over many days, but at least once in a while.

I agree with cwillie. "I wouldn't intervene unless it becomes an obsession or he begins to act out because of it." I do understand that you feel lost and heartbroken. I'm so glad you picked him that rose. Continue to remind him that you love him. Twenty years of marriage shouldn't be at risk for this limited behavior.

I strongly urge you to consider this new behavior in the light of his disease. Impulse control disorder can be a part of Parkinson's. A greater interest in sex can be included. If this behavior started recently and has not been typical of his past, then something happened to change him. That something is no doubt is the increasing damage to his brain.

I understand that you consider it filthy and don't want pornography in your home. But please don't consider it adultery or in any way an attack on you. This is about him and his disease. There are many articles by reputable sources on the web that deal with this issue in Parkinson's. Please have a look at some.

It is hard not to be able to talk about this! Of course you can here. And a great source of information, encouragement, and comfort would be a support groups for caregivers whose loved ones have Parkinson's. Believe me, you are far from alone.
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Thank you for all the good thoughts. I am so upset, angry and sad. I feel like there is no one I can talk to because that may change how they feel towards him.
He hasn't made one apology or effort to smooth out the wrinkles on our 20 year marriage. BTW, he is 77, I am 63.
I feel lost and heartbroken. When I came back from a walk he had moved into the guest room. It's been 4 days and we haven't spoken, eaten a meal together or watched any TV together. I did undo the internet and he doesn't know how to access it or even said a word about it.
I have written 2 notes and picked a red rose from my garden today to remind him of our love. I asked him to be the good man I know, and that he must choose Gods way, that porn cannot be in this house. It is tearing me up because he sat there innocently with it on his screen; I wish I hadn't seen what I did. This is not the first time but he said he didn't know why it was there. I don't think it happens by itself!
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Parkinson's meds can provoke sexually inappropriate behavior and remove filters. Check with doctor in case it's a status change or med reaction.
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