Has anyone had anyone released during this pandemic from a rehab or hospital? My MIL was due to be released today from rehab but lost her Medicaid aides (which were supposed to start today) because of her hospital/rehab stay. The social worker is supposedly working on getting help for when she does leave and go home to my BILs. Meanwhile her 20 days have run out and the bill will start to add up. We’ve had lots of family drama and this virus just makes everything that much worse. My BIL has written my husband (his brother) off because we said we will only be responsible for half the bill because he stole money from my MIL and foolishly spent everything she gave him. She lived with them and has been going downhill for awhile and they live an hour and a half away from us. At any rate fingers crossed that the social worker can get help for when she gets home!
I only have an opinion and that is that unless your MIL has symptoms or known contact with someone with coronavirus she will not be tested before she is discharged. The testing is getting better, but people with symptoms and health care workers are the first in line for testing.
Alarmingly, they are finding many asymptomatic residents testing positive. Hopefully, they will stay asymptomatic. They are being isolated. But testing is getting more widespread, which should really help us all.
To my shock it took three rehab workers to get him in the car and his release papers said he was an “easy assist”. I called friends to help me so when I arrived home he would not have to sit in the car.
Its been a week and his hospital bed and Hoyer lift were just delivered on Friday. Minimal instruction on bed operation and NONE on the lift. The deliveryman said he wasn’t allowed to show how to use it. This would have been nice to know PRIOR to his departure. Late Friday afternoon is not a good time to find someone within the healthcare system to train you on something like this.
Sorry to have gone sideways on answering your questions. If you can afford it it may be better to leave her there until after all this lockdown business is over.
I realize your loved one is in better condition than my husband and doesn’t require as much help.
I can’t begin to explain here what a miserable week we’ve had. While it is wonderful seeing his smiling face, it has been very difficult taking care of him as he is completely dependent on someone to move him from bed to wheelchair to recliner and then back to bed. He is 200 lbs and completely incontenent. He can’t even help me roll him from side to side to facilitate changing him.
So what do you do? Beg friends for help, pay someone to help and hope they show up (which they did not do)? Paid help.
I was offered a return to the lying rehab facility providing my insurance approved. I did not pursue that as it would have been no better than before. I was afraid too much moving back and forth would expose him to the virus. Plus the facility was 25 miles away and is still on lockdown.
No there was no testing for the virus before release. We do have home health and they have been helpful.
Social worker came on Friday and is helping me find a more permanent solution for someone to help me take care of him.
Whatever you decide to do just know it won't be easy.
I am currently recovering from Parkinson disease illness in SNF . It's a safe place but scary in a time I coronavirus.
The virus can spread like gangbusters.
We've had no visitors even before recommended.
From virus point of view she's probably safer in a family home with no visitors and contacts limited to those she lives with. Social isolation is important. For everyone but especially seniors. And lots of hand washing.