
she is really doing my heding but i know i should make my own food and all that but she wont get out of bed until about half 2 and she goes to bed about 12:00 . My sister is 19 she has got a baby on the way . she have moved out . my mam have got a boyfriend to she is allways up when he is here . its like she dont love me no more . i try my hardets to get here up but its just not working , can someone help me to get here out of bed please ?

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My God girl, call Social Services and tell them of your situation. No 13 year old should be taking care of anyone,!!! YOU should be the one taken care of. Try to get your older sister to help you find the right people to contact. If she won't help, then tell a counselor at school. There is help for you, and my heart hurts that you are having to deal with this at such a young age. Many will reply to this with a lot of good suggestions and encourgement, so keep checking and let us know how you are doing. There are many people on this sight who will help you...Take care of yourself best you can until someone comes in to help. Prayers are with you
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You can go right to a school counselor and share your situation. The counselor will make connections for someone to come and help your family. You are too young to be feeling so alone.
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I agree that seeing your school counselor is a good route. Either that or ask a friend's parents to help you. An adult needs to help you out as soon as possible.

This person could call social services or some other authorities. It's not right for you to feel responsible for your mother - she is responsible for you. Please find an adult you know, or look in a phone book for "social services" under the name of your county.

You can even call your public library and they will help you find the right phone number.
Please let us know how you are doing.
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Sweetie,I know you are probably afraid that you don't want your mom in trouble, but if she can stay up with the boyfriend she is choosing to not be up , and probably needs serious help. You should not be having to make your own food. I get up and make food for my daughter, she is about your age and helps but you shouldn't have to rely on yourself for that. This is not your fault!!! Are you able to get up and go to school? Life can be so much better than this. Please get you some help. I will be praying for you.
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You came to the right place for support. We are all great advisors and warm hearted people with loads of possitive input. I am concerned for you but glad to see you are aware of your Moms abnormal behavior and noone at 13 should have an unstable Mom. I am also getting the feeling she may have a depression problem or a health issue. I have Lyme disease, you may not understand this but I suffer from fatigue and I have to force myself to get out of bed most days. I need to work but if I didn't I could stay in bed all day. So she may need to see a DR. the advice given by others about talking to counselor is a great idea if your Mom needs medical attention they should guide you and help your Mom. Keep us informed. Stay well and try to enjoy being a teenager you only get to be a teen once.
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Have you asked your mom why she stays up late, and can't get up during the day? What does she tell you?
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