
Ive been a caregiver for ten years, and recently started with new company last January.. the very first client I was assigned to care for, was full time, M-F..
I loved caring for her, and her family loved me to.. After ten months of being with her, family had no choice, and to place her into nursing home, per her failing health, needing round the clock care.. Well, after I no longer had client, and took my supervisor almost three months to assign me to another.. I was only making $14.50 hr and getting so behind on my bills, car repairs, etc I asked the owners for an advance against my paycheck, which they could take out of my next check, whenever they assign me new client.. Well the client they assigned me to (after not working since July) was an 80yo man with a TBI, (which i didn't have any experience dealing with) my supervisor told me, he will say inappropriate sexual things,but to ignore them, and have him apologize. I told her that I wasn't ok with this, being I've never dealt with anyone with a TBI. And that I was nervous not knowing what he could,or perhaps do becoming violent. I was so nervous, but needed a paycheck because I was falling behind, and owed them $300 for loan.. I told her I didn't feel comfortable but I'd try.. Then the day before I started, the owner of company called me, and told me that when I start for him,and If I quit, or walk out on him after first day. Doesn't matter if I'm getting nervous and uneasy when he starts saying or using inappropriate,controlling behavior, being sexual, Using vulgarity especially toward women..
That they will take me to court, for the $300.00 advance against my paycheck!
They bullied and used intimidation thinking they'd scare me into staying and taking all this client's inappropriate behavior, they even wanted me to sign a document they had, written saying the very same thing.. that they would take me to court for loan,if I didn't stay with this man, even though they knew that this man, had a traumatic brain injury and lached out on women by saying and calling them inappropriate names,using vulgarity and using sexual inuindos toward me!! Well, I felt so stressed that I did start with him, He said and did all those things while I was with him, also being so controlling if I was 5min late bringing back his food from Wendy's in time..he'd call me on my phone and blow up! Needless to say I couldn't take it, and walked in two days.. I'm still with company, and am just waiting to see what they do! I've only had one other client after him, that i service only one day a week for four hours.. I let them know that I'm done..done..done.. As far as the loan, they've already taken out $100.00 from me.. My bf said he'd pay them the balance for me to never have to deal with them again..
Thank- you

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I would contact a labor lawyer about this. You may well have a suit for harassment against your employer if you have any proof of this.

Otherwise, do know that no one will take you to court over 200.00. It costs minimum of 150.00 to file in small claims, and boy would the judge not like them when you took the stand with your own side of this story.

Caregivers are in high demand now, and the demand will continue to grow. You will be OK. Chalk this up as a lesson learned the hard way, and blessings upon the boyfriend. I wish you the best of luck.
Helpful Answer (7)
Criket Nov 7, 2023
Yes I'm definitely going to be moving on..thanks for your kind words..
Have a great day ☺️
Pay the money back and move on.
Helpful Answer (3)

Take a deep breath--the agency is bullying you.
No,, you shouldn't have asked for an advance, but $300, of which you've worked off $100 already? Let BF pay the rest for you and find a BETTER agency to work for--$14.50 an hour is almost as bad as my $9 an hour from 18 years ago.

Nobody is going to even bother filing a suit this small in court.

I HATED the way one of my employers weilded their small power over us CG's. Lies, threats--yeah, that's real motivating!!

Good Luck. You'll be OK!
Helpful Answer (2)

To add on to what Alva has written make sure your proof is documented proof so you aren't relying on he said she said; emails, text messages, anything written down, even another person willing to testify they witnessed the harassment. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (1)
Criket Nov 7, 2023
He was spewing vulgarity at my supervisor, when she went to his home to meet with him and to sign our contract..
She said she told him to apologize and he was not to use profanity or use sexual inuindos .. saying that to person with a TBI, doesn't mean anything and he could become violent as well..just glad I don't have to deal with them anymore:)
FYI if you can learn to appropriately handle inappropriate clients, which is a learnable skill and takes the right temperament to not be bothered, you can make good money.

Many agencies will pay caregivers a bonus for those clients because they know they can’t find consistent staff who can manage the situation. Aids with backgrounds in adult psych or disabilities (school paras) are often excellent.

For now though, I agree, pay them off and run, and never again take a loan from your employer. So rarely ends well. Good luck.
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That man either needs to be in a facility, drugged up, or euthanized. Glad you weren't bullied by your company to keep going to this mans house, they put you in harms way.
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You don't need a lawyer for $200 and the trouble suing you will cost more than $200. I would go to the Labor Board and find out your rights. They should not even except this man as a client because he is a danger to the aides. Work long enough to pay them back then leave.
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Move on, don't worry about it, too small of an amount, it would cost them more to collect it.
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Isthisrealyreal Nov 8, 2023
If anyone gets a payroll advance, the right and ethical thing to do is pay it back.

She should not just move on, she should pay back the money she borrowed or she is a thief.
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Oh and if you can afford it, get a burner phone that you use only for work if you have to give out your number. Put on a message saying the hours you are available and only return calls or texts during those hours, then turn it off. Clients (and agencies) will eat you alive otherwise, and you’re allowed to have a life.
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Why did it take your employer “almost three months to assign me to another” client? Carers are often in short supply. I’d take the view that your employer actually intended you to go into debt with them, and this whole thing has been a deliberate plan to get you to take on and keep on a client that they find difficult to deal with. If they offered you the loan when you said you were in financial difficulty, they deliberately set you up for blackmail. It's extremely nasty, and you certainly don't want to work for them in the future.

A counter claim or counter allegation is a good way to squash this whole game. If you hear anything more about it, threaten to go to the police and the labor authorities - and do it.
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