
24 hrs 7 days a week also a walker a wheelchair and a commode by the bedside. How do I find someone at a reasonable price not too expensive for caregivers. Please help.Theyre charging me 26 an hr. Please help me sooner than later

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That price is about right. Caregivers in my area charge $24.00 - $30.00 an hour.
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Dear forum participants,

Shirley1946 has posted multiple times on this exact question. Yet she seems to never check back to read responses. Other regular participants have actually tried to PM her to suggest she talk to the social worker at her husband's facility (since she mentions it in her profile). Still no response from her and the continued posting of the same question. IMO I don't think it is productive to respond to her posts any longer. There are many other posters on this forum who need your time and wisdom, so let's concentrate on them. This is hard. Please pray that someone local will connect with her to provide the help she and her husband need.
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cwillie Nov 2021
I figure that Shirley is either suffering from dementia herself or this is a troll looking for attention, so I figure there is no point continuing to reply tho these posts...
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This is a forum of Caregivers from all over the US, UK and Canada. Its really impossible for us to help you.

You need to talk to the Social Worker. She can help you find help. She is more familiar with the area you live in. If money is a problem, maybe she can find u free services.

I wish you all the best, but we as a forum don't have the ability to help you. You must rely on the Social Worker at ur husbands facility.
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