
My neighbor is 85 broke her at arm and hurt leg. She has no family. She can't do anything to even go toilet she is sleeping on chair cause she can't get out of bed. Her husband is the same she looked after him social welfare sent out help 3 hours a week but it's not helping I try to help as much as I can but I work she lives upstairs she has fallen again and hurt her other arm but it is not broke a nurse has said they need to go I for 2 weeks nursing home but now they are saying no its OK and now it's 28 days waiting list for more care I don't know what to do Im so worried and can't believe they are just left

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Do these folks have any family members in the area? If not, do you know how to notify their family so they can step in to make arrangements?

You can call APS (Adult Protective Services) to see if they'll intervene and find a rehab facility for the wife to go while she's recovering from a broken arm, or perhaps advise what other arrangements can be made.

It does sound as if these people should not be living alone, especially in a second story dwelling.

Your local county may also have a health department that can become involved. I think at this point it probably will take governmental intervention, unless you can speak to their doctors pursuant to a HIPAA authorization.
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I agree with GardenArtist. Give APS a call. That's what they're there for.

And to ease your mind a little, the visiting nurse answers to someone. I'm sure she is reporting the situation to someone. In order to have a visiting nurse, your neighbors would have had to have been assessed at some point and their situation documented.
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They have no children or family they were assessd and they can only get 3 hours per week care and a cleaner comes in once a week. They were taken to hosipral yesterday abd because the lady said im ok i can look after myself they sent her home she cant look after herself i know she doesnt want to lose her indpenance but ontill her arm and leg are better she needs to go in to nursing home for 2 weeks the doctor has called out once to her but same she tolf him she grand she has a neighbour help i told doctor when she fell the gas cooker was on and if i didnt call what would have happened
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I think you need to make it clear to them that you can't physically help in this situation; it's unfair and unrealistic of the woman to state that she has a helping neighbor. Their needs at this point are more than one person can handle.
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I looked into this type of thing once and in my state, the social worker must find an emergency placement for someone who is not able to care for themselves and no one else is available. The county/state have places that can take emergency cases. I would make sure that adult protective services is aware that there is no help on your friend's end and that her welfare is in danger. I might follow it up with a letter, so she really realizes she must act to provide assistance immediately.
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